Latest News and Updates

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  • 23 November , Café Wilhelmina Terneuzen,NL
  • 7 December Private Party
  •       ****2025****
  • 11 Januari , Luik ,B 
  • 25 Januari,Bethune,Dance Rockin’ Boogie ,FR
  • 22 March Rolmo's Roots , B
  • 23 March Tom's Diner ,Roosendaal ,NL
  • 12 April ,Private
  • 26 April , Danzation Arendonk, B
  • 8 June ,Heinkenszand
  • 22/23 June VV25 (Vlissingen)
  • 20 July ,Nisse Rétro. TBA
  • 10 August  weekender Summershelter, D
  • 16 August , Rockabilly Summer , Gullegem ,B
  • 12-13-14 Sept , Rock and Roll Street,Midsland,Terschelling 

In the shadow of an old garage, where the smell of freshly sown metal ,wood and the sound of creaking planks come together, a new creation has come to life. our renovated barn is now not only a place to rehearse, but also a shrine to the sounds of rockabilly, rhythm and blues and rock and roll. Here we gather to share our tunes and  own written and composed songs, inspired by the rich history of these genres. The stirring rhythms and soulful melodies resonate between the walls as artists bring our passion to life in an environment perfect for creativity and collaboration. The barn is equipped with everything needed for an unforgettable musical experience. From vintage instruments to modern sound equipment, every corner is infused with the spirit of legendary artists who laid the foundation for these musical styles. With every rehearsal, solidarity grows and new, original songs are created that touch the soul and invite the listener to dance along to the rhythms of this timeless music.

Hot News !!

In Januari 2025 we'll starting recording our first Album ,  STAY tuned !!

© Copyright. Mandy Storm & The Cherry Bombs

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